Memorial Service for West First Responders
Yesterday, Robert Luke and I viewed the memorial service for West first responders from downtown West with several community leaders and survivors.
I was touched by the heartfelt sympathy everyone in the community and nation feels for those that gave their lives to protect us all. The City of West has bonded together to help each other through this tragedy. The Memorial service on the Baylor campus was beautiful and attended by the Governor and President Obama (I saw him fly over West in his giant helicopter on the way to our memorial viewing). The family members of the deceased first responders spoke and touched all of us watching from downtown West.
I was shocked to see the extent of the damage first-hand. Several city blocks of West look like they were hit with a bomb. Windows were shattered more than a mile away, garage doors were ripped free, and, closer to the blast center, whole buildings were completely demolished. The local and State police have more than a square mile blocked off as the investigation site. I have personally had so many happy times in West, it was hard to see the City so devastated.
Through our representation of some of the people of West, we have learned first-hand the suffering West has endured. In addition to the tragic loss of life of the first responders, many people close to the plant suffered concussive head injuries, broken bones and, perhaps most tragic, severe psychological injuries from seeing their friends, families, co-workers and town destroyed in the blast. People are just not built to experience that kind of devastation first-hand.
I want to thank the City of West for its toughness, compassion and for welcoming us into the community. We are proud to represent several victims of the blast and hope that our help with the legal aspects of the tragedy will allow our clients to focus on healing themselves and their community. We are here to help
Go West! Stay Strong!