Mr. Derek Merman

“Exceptional results come from exceptional work effort”

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    Barralaga v. Cooper Tire and Rubber Co.

    Mr. Roberts was taken to the Jefferson County Jail for unpaid parking tickets in April of 2007.  While being booked in, he was assaulted by Officer Cole and received injuries to his face that required stitches.  

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    Roberts v Jefferson Country, et. al.

    On April 25, 2014, Mr. Barralaga was a belted passenger in a 2008 Ford Ranger eastbound on IH-10.  He and the driver were returning from a roofing job in West Texas.   

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    The Estate of A.T.P. v. GEM Mobile Case Study

    A.T.P. was a young man who moved to Texas from Mexico to make a better life for his family.  He and his brothers and sister in the United States supported his mother, father and mentally disabled younger brother in Mexico.  He was an exceptionally hard worker and a skilled metal fabricator.



    The Merman Law Firm is dedicated to providing the highest level of personal service to its clients who have been injured by the negligence of others. At the Merman Law Firm, we provide exceptional service from the initial call until after your case is concluded.


    If accepted, the Firm undertakes all of the financial risks in your case – there is no cost to you unless we recover. The Merman Law Firm fronts all expenses, filing fees, expert fees and litigation expenses. We do not take a fee on your case unless we recover for you.


    The Merman Law Firm has handled hundreds of cases and won tens of millions of dollars for it clients. Derek Merman has successfully litigated cases against Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, E.I. DuPont de Nemours, Chemical Plants, Industrial Fabricators, the City of Houston and General Motors.


    The Merman Law Firm is proud of its results. We are proud of the cases we have handled that have received local and national news coverage. But most of all, we are proud of the changes we have been able to make socially and especially in the lives of our clients.


    The Merman Law Firm takes on cases that are meaningful to its clients and society. Mr. Merman represents the helpless, regardless of the resources or size of the opponent, in order to right a wrong and prevent other people from being neglected or abused. The Robert’s case, highlighted in the “case studies” section, is a perfect example of the Merman Law Firm standing up for what is right


    The Merman Law Firm treats its clients like family. We genuinely care about our clients and our help extends beyond what the typical law firm provides. Even after a case is resolved, we remain available to help our clients – many of whom are dealing with millions of dollars and have little experience managing that kind of money – without charging a fee for this service. The Barralaga case, highlighted in our case studies, is an example of service above and beyond what a typical law firm will provide.


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    The lawyers and staff at the Merman Law Firm are dedicated to providing the highest possible level of service for your car accident case. We understand that a car accident can have serious ramifications on your personal and work life. You need transportation, medical treatment, and compensation for the time you miss from work. From the time of your accident until your case is concluded to your satisfaction, The Merman Law Firm endeavors to provide caring, experienced representation and personal service.

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    With so many workers working in plants and fields that are inherently dangerous, there are thousands of accidents each year caused by human error, poor plant conditions, inefficient operation and lack of safety gear and precautions. In addition to chemical, petroleum and other manufacturing services, Houston is home to the largest shipping port in the United States and the sixth-largest port in the world.

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    With great power comes great responsibility – and 18-wheelers are powerful vehicles. The Merman Law Firm works to make sure that when a truck driver or trucking company fails in its responsibilities that the victim is vindicated.The Merman Law Firm has handled trucking accidents for more than a decade. In every instance, we have endeavored to exceed our client’s expectations with our caring representation.

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    Because The Port of Houston is an international shipping hub, Admiralty and Maritime accidents are frequent and often devastating. While the Port itself does an exceptional job handling the traffic, it cannot eliminate human error. The Houston maritime lawyers at the Merman Law Firm have handled a myriad of Admiralty cases, including Jones Act seamen injured in foreign waters, fatal collisions in the ship channel, and 905(b) claims against shipowners for longshoremen (stevedores) injured by faulty equipment shipboard while loading cargo.

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    Many times after someone is injured by a product not working properly they believe they have a case against the manufacturer.  However, our firm’s experience with defective product lawsuits allows us to more accurately assess your situation so that you can decide whether or not to pursue a claim. If you believe you have a claim, contact the Merman Law Firm for a case evaluation.

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    The Merman Law Firm has been successful in recovering millions of dollars for its clients in several types of personal injury cases. We strive to treat our clients like family. Everyone at the firm, from the founder to the staff, has suffered some kind of loss because of someone else’s negligence. Mr. Merman lost his father in a plane crash when he was only five. Helping people recover from their loss – personally and financially, is why we do what we do.