Houston Birth Defects Lawyer – Zofran Effexor etc.
Every year in the United States, more than 120,000 children are born with a birth defect. The Centers for Disease Control has found that birth defects are the leading cause of death in infants, with 1 out of 5 infant deaths being caused by a birth defect. While some birth defect causes are known and preventable, many other causes are still unknown.
There are many factors that can play a role in the causation of birth defects, including the parent’s genes, behaviors, and the environment that the mother is in while pregnant. Some causes of birth defects are obvious and avoidable, such as drinking alcohol or doing illegal drugs while pregnant. Other potential causes are a little less clear, but can include being over 34 years of age, having certain medical conditions, and taking certain prescription medications.
Although many pharmaceutical companies assure patients and doctors that their medication is safe for use during pregnancy, it is often discovered later that the drugs could cause birth defects in children. For example, Zofran is a drug originally approved by the FDA for use in treating nausea in patients who had undergone surgeries or chemotherapy. When it was discovered that Zofran could relieve some symptoms of morning sickness in pregnant women, doctors began prescribing the drug for such a use. Unfortunately, recent studies have shown that there is as much as a 30% increase in the risk for birth defects in babies whose mother took Zofran while pregnant.
Sadly, Zofran is not the only drug that has been linked to causing birth defects if taken during pregnancy. Many other drugs that are supposed to be safe for pregnancy have also been linked to birth defects—such as Effexor, an anti-depressant.
Having a child born with birth defects can be very costly, sometimes costing the parents as much as 12 to 13 times more money than a child born without birth defects. Additionally, the child may have to have lifelong, specialized care which can take a huge emotional toll on the parents. Drug companies must be held responsible for the results of their advertisements, especially when both parents and doctors rely on their word to determine whether or not the drug is safe for pregnancy.